Minutes of RABA Board
Meeting 3/16/09
Present: B. Rudner, G. Ride, W. Marsland, P. McFadden, L. Fox,
S. Barocas, L. Sanders, P. Clark, M. Spence, L.
Meacham , B. Bardeschewski
Absent: B.
meeting was called to order by President Barry at 4:37
The minutes of the last
meeting were accepted
The treasurer's report was
It was reported that the
RABA open pairs game held at Temple Sinai and at Geneseo made a profit of
$159.00 with 25 1/2 tables.
The Lifemaster/Non-lifemaster
RABA event will be held on April 21st at the Tuesday games at Temple Sinai and
at Geneseo
The RABA Swiss Team event
will be held at the Green Lantern on November 15th(dependent on the date and
the Green Lantern both being available).
It was suggested that this
event also be a holiday party.
Peg McFadden and/or Barry
Rudner would see if the Fellows Road Park Building would be large enough to
hold our fall sectional.
Barry would also get
information on the VFW on Chili-Scottsville Rd and The Country House in East
Rochester to see if we could hold our fall sectional at either of those
Sue Barocas was
congratulated for doing an excellent job of promoting the 299er sections of our
RABA events --i.e. -- getting 299ers to attend our RABA events
There was a discussion of
having different snacks at our sectionals (different than what we have had in
the past 3 or 4 years) Lois suggested we could have a vegetable
tray with each board member being responsible for a vegetable. Lois will chair
this function
The next board meeting
will be 5/11/09 at BŐrith Kodesh at 4:30 PM
The meeting was adjourned
at 5:35 PM
Respectfully submitted
Gerry Ride,