Minutes of RABA Board Meeting
Present: B. Rudner, G. Ride, W. Marsland, L. Fox, S. Barocas, B. Bardeschewski, B. Rosenthal, L. Sanders, P. Clark
Absent: M. Spence, L. Meacham, P. McFadden
The meeting was called to order by President Barry at 4:50 PM
The minutes of the last meeting were accepted as written
The treasurer's report was accepted
A request by a director(owner of a bridge game) to reduce the $4.00/set fee to $3.00/set was discussed by the RABA board. The board decided unanimously to keep the fee at $4.00/set.
Barry brought up that we need an election committee for the upcoming RABA election. He asked for volunteers. Peg Clark and Lois Sanders volunteered. Peg will be in charge with Lois as her assistant.
The fall sectional will be in Lakeville on October 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.
There will be a separate 299er section.
The new board will look into making RABA non-profit i.e. a 501c(3)
The next board meeting will be10/19/09 at Brith Kodesh at 4:45 PM
Motion by B. Bardeschewski
Second by G. Ride to adjourn
The meeting was adjourned at 5:50PM
Respectfully submitted
Gerry Ride, Secretary