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Minutes of the October 19, 2009 Board Meeting

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                                                                               Minutes of RABA Board Meeting
 Present:  B. Rudner,  G. Ride,  W. Marsland,  B. Bardeschewski,  B. Rosenthal,  L. Sanders,  P. Clark,  L. Meacham,  C. Adrion,  P. Cherin,  K. Toole,
                M. Atwell,  P. McFadden
The meeting was called to order by President Barry at 4:47 PM
President Barry called for nominations of officers to the RABA board for the coming year 
A slate was presented  -- there were no nominations from the floor
Peg Clark moved to accept the slate
Bob Rosenthal seconded
The slate was approved unanimously
The officers for the RABA board for 2009 - 2010 follow:
      President         Liz Meacham
      Vice President Paul Cherin
      Secretary        Gerry Ride
      Treasurer         Warren Marsland 
L. Meacham then presided over the meeting as President       
The minutes of the last meeting were accepted  as written
The treasurer's report, a balance sheet statement, and a summary of past sectionals(profit, number of tables, etc.) were handed to the board by the treasurer
Warren briefly explained these reports and answered any questions pertaining to these reports
The Swiss Team RABA event and annual meeting will be 11/15/09 at Lakeville
The first bridge session will atart at 12:30 -- dinner after the first session -- the annual meeting after dinner followed by the second bridge session
A menu was chosen - it will be a catered buffet 
The price is $25.00/person -- $100.00/team
Liz will get the director
Paul Cherin will chair a committee with the purpose of having an upcoming regional in Rochester
There was an informal bridge center meeting on 10/18/09  - present were various game owners(directors) and the bridge center committee
Various issues such as possible sites, space needed, and financial issues were discussed
An awards comittee was appointed -- Lois Sanders is the chairperson with Bob Rosenthal as co-chair
The goodwill recipient was chosen and will be presented at the annual meeting
The board will start work on printing a new/updated phone directory
The next two board meetings were set:
     First board meeting will be 11/15/09 at the annual meeting
     Second board meeting will be 1/18/10 at Temple Brith Kodish at 4:45 PM
Motion by P. Clark to adjourn 
   Second by P. McFadden
The meeting was adjourned at 6:10PM
Respectfully submitted
Gerry Ride, Secretary



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